New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2677 results ↓
Organization NTEE Code Mission City
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

Hey, Mozart! New Mexico provides an annual opportunity for children throughout New Mexico aged 12 and under to create original...

N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, B- Education, O- Youth Development, D- Animal Related, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

We at the Eastern NM State Fair are proud to represent family, tradition and education in an effort to harvest our youth for...

P- Human Services

To assist individuals with developmental disabilities and who are disabled and elderly express, achieve and expand their...

E- Health Care, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention

"Empowering Children and Families to Build Positive and Lasting Relationships"

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

This Foundation furthers the cultural and educational aims and activities of The Albuquerque Museum of Art and History (a City...

J- Employment, Job Related, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, P- Human Services

Adelante's mission is to support people with disabilities as they discover and implement their personal goals in life.

P- Human Services

Our mission is to promote a society in which persons with disabilities control their environment and destiny through informed...

E- Health Care

To significantly improve the health status of its population through the prevention of illness, the promotion of health...

B- Education

To promote interest in numismatics through education of our members. We encourage members to conduct research on history and...

B- Education

RAALP envisions a community where all adults have the literacy skills that enable them to achieve their personal and...

B- Education

Provide information services

X- Religion, Spiritual Development

The Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe proclaims the Gospel, celebrates the sacraments, teaches the faith,...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

Accelerating entrepreneurs, building the creative economy.

Santa Fe
B- Education

To increase the higher education of Native American students by providing pre-college (College Horizons) and pre-graduate (...

Pena Blanca
C- Environment, E- Health Care, J- Employment, Job Related, L- Housing and Shelter, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit

The mission of the RGCDC is to pursue community-wide healthy economic and social development that enriches traditional...

B- Education, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition

The museum is dedicated to exploring the potato's fascinating past, controversial present and promising future. It examines...

F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, P- Human Services

Empower victims and engage the community to stop the cycle of domestic violence.

B- Education, O- Youth Development, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit, X- Religion, Spiritual Development

Escuela Luz del Mundo (ELM) or “Light of the World School” strives to be a Christ-centered, community-based school in the La...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

We are working to preserve this architectural treasure that stands as a bridge between cultures and between the past and the...

L- Housing and Shelter

To facilitate family relationships of prison inmates at New Mexico prisons.

S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building Fort Sumner
E- Health Care

Seeks to implement programs and services that assist individuals with severe, disabling mental illness (including alcohol and...

Las Cruces
B- Education, E- Health Care, H- Medical Research

The PROMPT Institute, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to investigating and promoting holistic, dynamic, multi-sensory...

Santa Fe
P- Human Services

Established to award scholarships to worthy applicants and, in addition, for the purpose of contributing to worthy causes.

B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit

The New Mexico Direct Caregivers Coalition was created to promote the voice of family and professional caregivers and those...

