New Mexico Nonprofit Directory
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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.
Organization | NTEE Code | Mission | City |
Foundation for Integrative Meditation | P- Human Services |
Founded on the principle that all Life is one. It respects all traditions and people. It welcomes everyone. |
Santa Fe |
Services and Aid to the Relief of the Poor | Q- International, Foreign Affairs, and National Security |
Mobilizing resources in support of health care for the poor and needy in the vicinity of Bhimavaram, India. |
Los Alamos |
Estacado Library Information Network | B- Education |
Provide information services |
Hobbs |
Excel Case Management | P- Human Services |
To provide support to the people we serve by providing education, advocating, and coordinating services through a variety of... |
Farmington |
Sawmill Community Land Trust | L- Housing and Shelter, P- Human Services, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit |
Sawmill CLT is dedicated to developing vibrant, prosperous neighborhoods through the creation & stewardship of permanently... |
Albuquerque |
Prostate Cancer Support Association of New Mexico | B- Education, E- Health Care, G- Disease, Disorders, Medical Disciplines |
We exist to provide men and their families in New Mexico with the most current information about prostate cancer detection and... |
Albuquerque |
Coordinated Systems of Care - New Mexico | E- Health Care |
To address healthcare dilemma caused by overburdened emergency department and hospitals with preventable illnesses. |
Albuquerque |
Horses for Heroes - New Mexico | B- Education, D- Animal Related, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, J- Employment, Job Related, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics |
Horses for Heroes- New Mexico, Inc serves the state of NM providing horse therapy, wellness and ranch skills free of charge to... |
Santa Fe |
New Mexico MESA Inc. | B- Education |
Empower and motivate New Mexico’s culturally diverse students with science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)... |
Albuqueque |
Colfax County Senior Citizens | P- Human Services | Raton | |
Center for Nonviolent Communication | B- Education |
CNVC is a global network of people and communities committed to living and teaching Nonviolent Communication to resolve... |
Albuquerque |
Biomedical Research Institute of New Mexico | B- Education, H- Medical Research |
By supporting the VA research and education programs in Albuquerque, our mission is to promote high quality scientific... |
Albuquerque |
Amanecer | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities |
Working to help rural people in Mexico and Latin America improve the quality of their lives. |
Hillsboro |
City of Albuquerque - Department of Senior Affairs |
Not Indicated |
Albuquerque | |
Villa del Sol Senior Housing | L- Housing and Shelter | Sunland Park | |
Ride To Pride | F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention |
Ride To Pride provides behavioral health, educational and community outreach services to youth and their families in San... |
Las Vegas |
Wumaniti Earth Native Sanctuary | C- Environment, D- Animal Related, E- Health Care, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development, X- Religion, Spiritual Development, Y- Mutual/Membership Benefit Organizations, Other |
To encourage the integration of traditional cultures with healthy food and family ceremonies, celebrating traditional healing... |
Taos |
Mental Health Resources | F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention |
To provide quality mental health and substance abuse services in the five county area. The agency's services are governed by... |
Clovis |
Vizionz-Sankofa | B- Education, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, X- Religion, Spiritual Development |
To educate, elevate and empower African American youth and young adults and other ethnicities on becoming stewards of their... |
Albuquerque |
Carlsbad Department of Development | S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building |
To facilitate the comprehensive development of a business friendly community, where businesses can come, participate, succeed... |
Carlsbad |
New Mexico Folk Music and Dance Society | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities |
Dedicated to promoting and teaching traditional music and dance. FolkMADS sponsors Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Taos contra... |
Albuquerque |
Parkinson & Movement Disorder Alliance | E- Health Care, G- Disease, Disorders, Medical Disciplines, H- Medical Research |
The mission of this organization shall be to provide Persons with Parkinson’s and their Care Partners the tools and... |
Tucson |
Gerard's House | F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, P- Human Services |
Gerard's House provides grief support for children, teens, and families who have experienced the death of a loved one, and... |
Santa Fe |
Jewish Community Housing Corporation |
The Jewish Community Housing Corporation, formerly the Jewish Community Council Housing Development Corporation of Albuquerque... |
Rio Grande Valley CASA | P- Human Services, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, Z- Unknown |
The mission of the Rio Grande Valley CASA is to speak for the best interest of the children involved in the 7th Judicial... |
Truth Or Consequences |