New Mexico Nonprofit Directory
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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.
Organization | NTEE Code | Mission | City |
North Central Community Based Services | O- Youth Development, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit |
NCCBS is organized and operated for charitable, educational, and community social services. NCCBS provides children, youth,... |
Chama |
Road Runners Club of America | N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics |
We are competitive runners, weekend warriors, beginning runners, ultra-runners, health nuts, reformed couch potatoes, or any... |
Albuquerque |
Fight SMA Southwest - Desiree's Buddies | B- Education, E- Health Care, G- Disease, Disorders, Medical Disciplines, H- Medical Research, P- Human Services |
To strategically accelerate research toward treatment and a cure for spinal muscular atrophy, a deadly crippler and the number... |
Albuquerque |
Pecos Valley Medical Center | E- Health Care |
PVMC is dedicated to providing quality, affordable patient care; promoting preventive medicine and healthy lifestyles,... |
Pecos |
Children In Need of Services (CHINS) | B- Education, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, T- Philanthropy, Voluntarism and Grantmaking Foundations |
"Create relationships with families and the community to support the healthy emotional, physical and educational development... |
Alamogordo |
Concilio Campesino del Sudoeste (Concilio CDS) | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building |
Concilio Campesino del Sudoeste, Inc. (Concilio CDS Inc.) mission is to eliminate poverty by providing access to quality civic... |
Las Cruces |
Horizons Albuquerque | B- Education |
The mission of Horizons Albuquerque is to improve life opportunities for children from under-served families by addressing... |
Albuquerque |
Mental Health Association of New Mexico | F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention |
Anyone is welcome and some of the free services offered are help with social security, general assistance and food stamp... |
Las Vegas |
Santa Fe Science Initiative | B- Education |
To provide the best possible science instruction for elementary students and teachers. Our goal is to nurture the art of doing... |
Santa Fe |
Hands of Hope Pregnancy Center | O- Youth Development, P- Human Services |
The Hands of Hope Pregnancy Center is a Christian ministry that upholds the sanctity of human life by providing support and... |
Gallup |
Albuquerque Film & Music Experience Foundation | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities |
The AFME Foundation is a nonprofit organization that brings filmmakers, musicians, artists and visionaries together to provide... |
Albuquerque |
Global Outreach Doctors | B- Education, E- Health Care, G- Disease, Disorders, Medical Disciplines, M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief, W- Public, Society Benefit |
Global Outreach Doctors is a humanitarian organization of dedicated medical professionals providing international healthcare... |
Galisteo |
Healing Circle Drop In Center | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit |
To empower our relatives (consumers) by providing resources and support through Sa'ah Nagheh Be'ke Hozho (walking towards a... |
Shiprock |
Healthy Native Communities Partnership | B- Education, C- Environment, E- Health Care, I- Crime, Legal Related, K- Agriculture, Food, Nutrition, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, X- Religion, Spiritual Development |
Healthy Native Communities Partnership Inc. (HNCP) is a non-profit organization that supports capacity building, leadership... |
Shiprock |
New Mexico West Texas - International Public Management Association for Human Resources | B- Education, J- Employment, Job Related |
Optimize organizational and individual performance in the public sector by providing HR leadership, professional development... |
Mesilla Park |
Catholic Nursing Mothers League | B- Education, X- Religion, Spiritual Development |
Our mission is to provide a forum for discussion, study and shared prayer among women interested in breastfeeding, especially... |
Los Alamos |
Native American Disability Law Center | R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, I- Crime, Legal Related |
The Native American Disability Law Center advocates so that the rights of Native Americans with disabilities in the Four... |
Farmington |
Institute of American Indian Arts Foundation | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education |
IAIA’s Mission: To empower creativity and leadership in Native arts and cultures through higher education, lifelong learning,... |
Santa Fe |
Southwest Animal Rescue Fund | D- Animal Related |
To use the proceeds of our thrift store, Secondhand Treasures, to reduce the suffering of animals in New Mexico. |
Corrales |
Prizm Foundation | J- Employment, Job Related, M- Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness and Relief |
Prizm Foundation provides consulting services, assistance & collaborative partnerships to municipalities & community... |
Albuquerque |
Friends for Life | I- Crime, Legal Related | Santa Fe | |
Eastern New Mexico Flight Academy | B- Education | Clovis | |
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico | O- Youth Development |
To enable all young people, especially those who need us most to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible... |
Albuquerque |
Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute | B- Education |
Research and education on sustainable living systems using permaculture practices. |
Fairview |
Santa Fe Conservation Trust | C- Environment, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics |
Santa Fe Conservation Trust partners with our community to keep northern New Mexico’s living lands and people flourishing... |
Santa Fe |