Nonprofit News


Jul 11 2024

Related to: Advocacy


NM Department of Justice opening a consumer protection office in northern New Mexico to help survivors of the Hermits Peak-Calf Canyon Fire

Mar 21 2024

Related to: Advocacy

Article from Source New Mexico:

New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez announced last week that the state Department of Justice is opening a... Read Article

Tell Congress: Include Urgent Nonprofit Policy Priorities in COVID-19 Legislation

Jul 8 2020

Related to: Advocacy

Sign On By July 10

Congress is expected to pass its last piece of COVID-19 legislation this month. It is urgent that nonprofits tell the House and Senate to include nonprofit policy solutions in the final package. Help ensure that federal lawmakers insert these bipartisan solutions in the legislation by signing your organization’s name onto... Read Article

Workshop on Evaluation Fundamentals

Jun 29 2020

Related to: Evaluation

The University of New Mexico Evaluation Lab works to build evaluation capacity in non-profit community organizations and government agencies throughout New Mexico, and to facilitate the development of sound state policies around evaluation in New Mexico.
Join us for this free two-part workshop 10:00am to 12:00noon on Tuesday, July 28th and Thursday, July 30... Read Article

Action Needed on State Budget

May 6 2020

Related to: Advocacy, Related to: Fund Development

The Legislative Finance Committee will be meeting soon to make adjustments to the budget for the fiscal year starting July 1. New Mexico is facing a deficit of at least $2 billion, and the state must balance the budget. Join with New Mexico Thrives to tell the Legislative Finance Committee that now is not the time to cut funding to... Read Article

8 Steps Nonprofits Should Take Now to Survive the Pandemic Fallout

Apr 7 2020

Weeks into the coronavirus pandemic, the carnage in the nonprofit world continues to pile up. For many groups, the goal has shifted from preserving programs and staffing to just surviving, according to a recent survey of more than 400 nonprofit leaders.

Some fear the crisis will put them out of business, while at least one organization is effectively already there,... Read Article

Responding to COVID-19: Actionable Steps for Volunteer Managers

Apr 2 2020

Related to: Volunteer Management

In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, communities are looking toward social service organizations for support. So how are Volunteer Managers keeping themselves and their volunteers safe while responding to the persisting needs of their communities? Here are actionable recommendations (plus additional resources) to help Volunteer Managers respond... Read Article

Volunteer Engagement Amid a Pandemic

Apr 2 2020

Related to: Volunteer Management

With the spread of COVID-19 across the world including North America (where most of our readers live and work), the recent declaration by the World Health Organization that the outbreak is a world pandemic, and mass cancellations and restrictions sweeping the globe, your organization is likely already experiencing disruptions to your normal way of doing... Read Article

Research: Winning Youthful Influencers, Financial Support

Apr 1 2020

Related to: Volunteer Management

Every generation of financial executives and fundraisers ponder the same question – how to get those young folks involved. In the same way that consumers want to be treated as individuals, it is more important than ever that nonprofits help younger Americans achieve their personal citizenship goals.

According to new research from ONE HUNDRED... Read Article

2020 Children's Book Drive

Feb 6 2020

Related to: Communications & Marketing, Related to: Fund Development

From February 18 to March 21, several Albuquerque businesses are accepting donations of new and gently used children’s books. Donations can be dropped off at all Albuquerque Applebee’s, BookWorks, La Montañita Co-op, Lowe’s Home Improvement, Public Libraries, The Canyon Club at Four Hills and Sandia Laboratory... Read Article


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