Nonprofit News

Retain Your Organization’s Public Charity Status Using the 10%Facts-and-Circumstances Test

Jan 27 2020

Related to: Financial Management

For many public charities, the Schedule A support test is arguably one of the most important parts of Form 990—which is how the IRS provides the public with information on a not-for-profit’s revenue sources. That’s because any organization that doesn’t meet the public support test risks losing its status as a public charity.

In this scenario, the... Read Article

First Training of the Year Focuses on Goal-Planning

Jan 15 2020

Related to: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

“By January 2021, where do you want to be?” was the guiding question during last week’s “Goal Setting for Women of Color in the Nonprofit Sector” training hosted by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNPE). Nearly 15 women of color developed their professional goals for 2020, identifying strategies to achieve their leadership and personal... Read Article

CNPE Expands Their Team

Jan 10 2020

The Center for Nonprofit Excellence recently welcomed two new members to their capacity building team. Kate Livingston joins the team as the Training & Events Manager along with Jenifer Romero, who will serve as the Technical Assistance Manager.

Kate will be responsible for planning and executing CNPE trainings and other events for our partners (primarily nonprofit staff... Read Article

NM Counts 2020 Releases RFP For Community-Based Census Outreach

Dec 18 2019

Related to: Advocacy, Related to: Collaboration, Related to: Fund Development

NM Counts 2020 is requesting proposals for community-based outreach to populations most at risk of being under counted in the upcoming 2020 Census. 

“The 2020 Census is a once in every ten years opportunity to count everyone living in NM and ensuring that we count our often-underrepresented... Read Article

Training Recap: Creating Culturally Inclusive Communications Strategies and Messaging

Dec 11 2019

Related to: Communications & Marketing, Related to: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

CNPE's Marketing and Communications coordinator, Brandale Mills Cox, led a training November 22nd with nearly 25 attendees, discussing how nonprofits can implement strategies that illustrate a sincere understanding of various perspectives and experiences, along with ways to connect those views with... Read Article

CNPE Announces Partnership with New Mexico Association of Grantmakers

Dec 10 2019

Related to: Advocacy, Related to: Board Development, Related to: Collaboration, Related to: Leadership

The Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNPE) and the New Mexico Association of Grantmakers (NMAG) announced Wednesday, November 13th that the two organizations would be joining forces as one entity to expand services for philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in New Mexico.

“By... Read Article

Make a Difference this Holiday Season

Nov 27 2019

Related to: Advocacy, Related to: Volunteer Management

You can make a difference this holiday season by sharing your time, materials, and financial resources. The United Way of Central New Mexico just shared their 2019 Holiday Giving Guide compiled of a list of area agencies and organizations that could use your support.

This season consider:

Adopting a family ... Read Article

Creating Culturally Inclusive Communications Strategies and Messaging

Oct 22 2019

Related to: Communications & Marketing

Nonprofit organizations enhance communities by providing services and resources, oftentimes with a mission to advocate for a cause. While the goals of nonprofit may vary, effectively engaging the community is essential in ensuring the overall success of the organization. This engagement includes incorporating diverse and culturally inclusive... Read Article

Is Your Organization a Candidate for Starting a Social Enterprise Venture?

Oct 7 2019

Related to: Financial Management, Related to: Fund Development

Nonprofit leaders know that traditional funding models are changing. Corporate giving is shifting from an annual donation of table tickets, to investing in programs that are growing each year in impact and scope. Government funding is no longer as reliable as it used to be. Individual donors are asking the hard questions... Read Article


Nov 27 2017

Related to: Collaboration, Related to: Communications & Marketing, Related to: Fund Development

#GivingTuesday...A Global Generosity Movement  What is #GivingTuesdayNM?

Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving and in conjunction with the widely recognized shopping days, Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesdayNM is part of the global day of giving known as #... Read Article


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