New Mexico Nonprofit Directory

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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.

2633 results ↓
Organizationsort descending NTEE Code Mission City
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

To provide a quality all volunteer "Community Theater" experience to the community both on and off stage.

P- Human Services

Provides outpatient Alcohol/Substance Treatment and Education, Anger Management, and Parenting Classes. Provides counseling of...

Las Vegas
P- Human Services

Our mission is to join God in "Bringing Families Together for Life" by providing services that are professional, adhere to the...

P- Human Services

The Adoption Exchange provides the connection between children who wait and families who adopt. The Adoption Exchange...

E- Health Care, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, I- Crime, Legal Related, P- Human Services

Advocacy Inc. and the New Mexico Guardianship Project protect and promote the interests of at-risk youth and children in New...

C- Environment, D- Animal Related

Advocates for Snake Preservation uses science, education, and advocacy to promote compassionate conservation and coexistence...

Silver City

To authentically preserve, present and exchange traditional and contemporary cultures of Africa in a diversified and global...

Snta Fe
B- Education, O- Youth Development

The African American Cultural Association (AACA) sole purpose is to provide academic and personal support, health &...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

The mission of the African American Museum and Cultural Center of New Mexico is to increase awareness and understanding of the...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education

The mission for the African American Performing Arts Center and Exhibition Hall is to utilize the sciences and the humanities...

W- Public, Society Benefit


E- Health Care, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, L- Housing and Shelter, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services

We inspire people to feel better and reach their potential. Through helping people discover their strengths, we improve our...

F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention

Agora provides free, compassionate, confidential help to anyone in need of emotional support.

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, B- Education, O- Youth Development, E- Health Care

We provide a martial arts community dedicated to non-violence and the art of peace.

Santa Fe
A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics

To edify and entertain the members of our community through theatrical performances and instruction in movement expression...

P- Human Services

To help families and friends of alcoholics.

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities

Alamogordo Music Theatre, Inc. (AMT), is a non-profit community group who has presented exciting musical productions in...

A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit

To aid, assist, raise funds, develop advocates and provide other resources to enhance and perpetuate the quality of the...

S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building

Provide scholarships for local students, free medical and dental treatment to the people of Mexico and support of the local...

B- Education

We believe that children's lives change when their natural passion for learning is nurtured and transformed into habits of...

B- Education

To provide student-focused adult education and GED preparation in the underrepresented communities where our students live....

L- Housing and Shelter

The mission of the Albuquerque Affordable Housing Coalition is to speak with a collective voice for funding and public...

W- Public, Society Benefit

Random Acts empowers and enables firefighters to perform random acts of kindness in the community and helps them to pursue...

B- Education

The Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. advocates on behalf of American Indians through the delivery of quality health...

B- Education

Albuquerque Association for Gifted and Talented Students (AAGTS) is a group of volunteers dedicated to advocating for the...

