New Mexico Nonprofit Directory
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The New Mexico Nonprofit Directory is a searchable database to help you learn about nonprofits in the state.
Organization![]() |
NTEE Code | Mission | City |
Adobe Theater | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities |
To provide a quality all volunteer "Community Theater" experience to the community both on and off stage. |
Corrales |
Adolescent and Family Services | P- Human Services |
Provides outpatient Alcohol/Substance Treatment and Education, Anger Management, and Parenting Classes. Provides counseling of... |
Las Vegas |
Adoption Assistance Agency | P- Human Services |
Our mission is to join God in "Bringing Families Together for Life" by providing services that are professional, adhere to the... |
Albuquerque |
Adoption Exchange | P- Human Services |
The Adoption Exchange provides the connection between children who wait and families who adopt. The Adoption Exchange... |
Albuquerque |
Advocacy Inc. | E- Health Care, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, I- Crime, Legal Related, P- Human Services |
Advocacy Inc. and the New Mexico Guardianship Project protect and promote the interests of at-risk youth and children in New... |
Albuquerque |
Advocates for Snake Preservation | C- Environment, D- Animal Related |
Advocates for Snake Preservation uses science, education, and advocacy to promote compassionate conservation and coexistence... |
Silver City |
Afreeka Santa Fe |
To authentically preserve, present and exchange traditional and contemporary cultures of Africa in a diversified and global... |
Snta Fe | |
African American Cultural Association | B- Education, O- Youth Development |
The African American Cultural Association (AACA) sole purpose is to provide academic and personal support, health &... |
Albuquerque |
African American Museum and Cultural Center of New Mexico | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education |
The mission of the African American Museum and Cultural Center of New Mexico is to increase awareness and understanding of the... |
Albuquerque |
African American Performing Arts Center | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, B- Education |
The mission for the African American Performing Arts Center and Exhibition Hall is to utilize the sciences and the humanities... |
Albuquerque |
Agape Community | W- Public, Society Benefit |
Religious |
Deming |
Agave Health, Inc. | E- Health Care, F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention, L- Housing and Shelter, O- Youth Development, P- Human Services |
We inspire people to feel better and reach their potential. Through helping people discover their strengths, we improve our... |
Albuquerque |
Agora Crisis Center | F- Mental Health, Crisis Intervention |
Agora provides free, compassionate, confidential help to anyone in need of emotional support. |
Albuquerque |
Aikido Arts Center | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, B- Education, O- Youth Development, E- Health Care |
We provide a martial arts community dedicated to non-violence and the art of peace. |
Santa Fe |
AirDance New Mexico | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics |
To edify and entertain the members of our community through theatrical performances and instruction in movement expression... |
Albuquerque |
Al-Anon | P- Human Services |
To help families and friends of alcoholics. |
Albuquerque |
Alamogordo Music Theater | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities |
Alamogordo Music Theatre, Inc. (AMT), is a non-profit community group who has presented exciting musical productions in... |
Alamogordo |
Alamogordo Public Library Foundation | A- Arts, Culture and Humanities, N- Recreation, Sports, Leisure, Athletics, S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building, W- Public, Society Benefit |
To aid, assist, raise funds, develop advocates and provide other resources to enhance and perpetuate the quality of the... |
Alamogordo |
Alamogordo Rotary Foundation | S- Community Improvement, Capacity Building |
Provide scholarships for local students, free medical and dental treatment to the people of Mexico and support of the local... |
Alamogordo |
Albuquerque Academy | B- Education |
We believe that children's lives change when their natural passion for learning is nurtured and transformed into habits of... |
Albuquerque |
Albuquerque Adult Learning Center | B- Education |
To provide student-focused adult education and GED preparation in the underrepresented communities where our students live.... |
Albuquerque |
Albuquerque Affordable Housing Coalition | L- Housing and Shelter |
The mission of the Albuquerque Affordable Housing Coalition is to speak with a collective voice for funding and public... |
Albuquerque |
Albuquerque Area Firefighters Random Acts | W- Public, Society Benefit |
Random Acts empowers and enables firefighters to perform random acts of kindness in the community and helps them to pursue... |
Albuquerque |
Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board | B- Education |
The Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board, Inc. advocates on behalf of American Indians through the delivery of quality health... |
Albuquerque |
Albuquerque Association for Gifted and Talented Students | B- Education |
Albuquerque Association for Gifted and Talented Students (AAGTS) is a group of volunteers dedicated to advocating for the... |
Albuquerque |