Sep 22, 2020

The Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNPE) recently hosted the “Logic Models & Measuring What Matters” training, facilitated by Melissa Binder, Ph.D., Director of the UNM Master of Public Policy and Associate Director of the UNM Evaluation Lab.
Participants developed evaluation tools during the two-hour workshop to measure outcomes essential to their respective organizations. The logic model is a one-page description of a program or organization that addresses assumptions, external challenges, resources, activities, outputs and outcomes; it also provides a map for evaluation activities. Participants then considered rubrics that can be used to describe different levels of internal performance.
According to Dr. Binder, developing a solid logic model is the first step to effective evaluation. Creating rubrics and data collection tools are also critical in building valuable and sustainable evaluation systems that are inclusive and beneficial in making organizational decisions.
Dr. Binder will return on March 3 to conduct CNPE’s upcoming training, Preparing for Data Collection. She will expand on the logic model concept (although attendees will benefit even if they did not attend this session) and assist participants in developing data collection tools for their organizations. Registration is still open.