Recruiting Board Members who Love Music

Dates Volunteer is Needed: 
July 1, 2023--3 year board term
Number of Volunteers Needed: 
Description of the Volunteer Opportunity: 

The Santa Fe Women's Ensemble (SFWE), now in its 42nd season, is recruiting new board members for the July 1 2023, 3-year term. No knowledge of music is required--just a desire to further the educational and outreach goals of the SFWE. We are looking for individuals with skills in finance, legal, marketing, technology, etc. to diversify the board.

Skills Needed: 
Human Resources/Leadership Development
Legal/Risk Management
Strategy Development/Strategic Planning
Technology (software, hardware, database, web)
Areas of Interest: 
Arts and Culture
Children and Youth
Great for: 
Who Will Be Impacted Through This Project: 

General public who attends concerts.
Youth groups who attend concerts.
Composers who are commissioned by the SFWE.
SFWE singers who give their time and talents
Santa Fe Community which benefits from the SFWE outreach

Is This an Ongoing Opportunity?: 
Minimum Age of Volunteers: 
Nonprofit Will Provide: 

Prospective board members will be asked to fill out a form outlining their interests.

Last Updated: May 28 2024
Address of Project Site
943 Old Bridge Ct
Santa Fe
New Mexico
Contact Info
(214) 244-6102


Groundworks provides these volunteer opportunities as a service to our community and does not assume any responsibility for the validity of such postings. To ensure accurate and up-to-date information, please contact the organization who posted the opportunity.

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