Otero County Advocates For Developmental Disabilities

3006 Del Sur, Alamogordo, NM 88310
Our mission is to empower/elevate individuals with developmental/intellectual disabilities and their families/care givers through monthly educational workshops in independent living, life skills, employment support, self-advocacy, and family support.A place to organize for strength in numbers.This group will help educate parents so we can share resources/education, while working together to advocate for our community members with diverse abilities.Build awareness/compassion for all in theCounty.
A primary focus will be teaching self-advocacy,
life-skills at every age, and teaching parents/
caregivers to ensure safety and support.
OCADD is to be an accessible resource center
for exceptional families and those with
intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The organization will promote acceptance
and awareness for theses community members
through training's and corporate incentives
when companies take steps to become more
inclusive to this population.
It will provide scholarships to individuals and
their families to be able to attend workshops
and conferences to better themselves.
The organization will hold weekly support
groups, workshops and actively distribute
literature everywhere those with a diagnosis
are likely to see it.
Christina Hasting