Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails

Mailing Address: 4000 Jefferson Plaza NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109
County of Location: Bernalillo, Curry, San Juan, Santa Fe
Phone: (505) 343-1040
NTEE Code: O- Youth Development
Mission Statement:

The Girl Scout mission is to build girls with courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.

Primary Programs:

The Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails serves girls ages 5 to 18 with a variety of programs. Our mission is to build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. Through hands-on activities in science, technology, business, economic literacy, outdoor and environmental awareness, Girl Scouts provides girls with opportunities for fun and friendship, while fostering the development of leadership skills and self-esteem. 
Girl Scouts is for ALL girls.  Girl Scouts value diversity and inclusiveness and don't discriminate or recruit on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, national origin or physical or developmental disability.  Programs and initiatives have been developed to reach underserved populations, making sure every girl in our jurisdiction has the ability to participate in Girl Scouting.

Populations Served: Women and Girls
Counties Served: Bernalillo, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Guadalupe, Harding, Los Alamos, McKinley, Mora, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Santa Fe, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union, Valencia
Year Founded:


Annual Budget: $1,000,000 - $4,999,999
Personnel: 10 to 29 FTE
Executive Director:

Peggy Sanchez Mills

Accepts inquiries: Accepts inquiries about volunteering, Accepts inquiries about board member positions
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS, Is registered as a Nonprofit Corporation with the State of New Mexico
Types of Services Offered: Direct Services


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