Your Nonprofit’s Complete Guide to the Cloud

Over the last decade, Cloud computing has become synonymous with computing. Internet users for over ten years have utilized the internet and the cloud together to make their work more efficient, sometimes without even realizing it.

Despite the cloud’s ubiquity, questions remain about how it works, how it directly benefits nonprofits, and how to properly implement the technology. All of these questions and more have been asked, and we’ve answered.

Below is a list of the three questions that are asked more than most, a quick answer, and several links to more blogs posts that will provide even more in depth information. Whatever your question is on cloud computing, you can be sure Tech Impact has an answer!

If you have a question we have not already answered, let us know in the comment section below.

A 4 step guide to a successful tech implementation. Click here.

What the difference is between the three clouds. Click here.

Why small nonprofits are moving to the cloud. Click here.

How the cloud brings clarity to your nonprofit. Click here.

  1. Migration and implementation matters

    The bottom line is if you do not properly train your staff on new technology, and do not properly implement it with their daily rhythms, it is a worthless tool. Effective migration and implementation is imperative to the effectiveness of your technology investment. Whether it is the cloud, or a CRM, ensuring it is properly implemented is key.

    Consider these past posts that will shed light on what you need to know about implementing and migrating your nonprofit cloud:

    What to know when adopting the cloud. Click here.

    Your nonprofit’s checklist for a seamless cloud migration. Click here.

  2. There are different types of cloud

    What you might not have known, is there is a variety of different types of clouds. There are private clouds, hybrid clouds, and public clouds, with each one bringing different strengths to the table.

  3. What questions to ask

    Knowing what questions to ask when selecting your cloud is imperative to your ability to select the perfect cloud that fits your nonprofit’s needs.

    What if you don’t know what an SLA is? Or what if you didn’t know to ask about future upgrades?

    Here is the only checklist you need to bring when talking to a potential cloud vendor. Click here.

Written by Gregory C. Holt, tappNP

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