UNM Evaluation Lab Launches 2018 Summer Institute

Embed Evaluation Into Your Operations.

Recognizing the need for evaluation capacity across New Mexico, the Evaluation Lab is launching a Summer Institute in 2018. The Summer Institute, a 5-day, 40-hour intensive course, will help staff from nonprofit organizations across the state learn how to create and improve upon sustainable program evaluation systems.

Imagine having access to data that can address and assess your organization’s core mission and goals. Learn how to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data and how to interpret your data in light of the evidence base for your sector. Learn how to embed evaluation into your organization’s day-to-day operations.

Teams from organizations are encouraged to register together. The cost for the first person is $945; additional staff members from the same organization can piggyback for only $200 more. Register now to receive a $100 discount on the first registration. Registration fees include parking at UNM, breakfast and lunch, and ongoing peer and expert consultation via a weekly teleconference platform.

For more information, click on Summer Institute from the Evaluation Lab home page: http://evallab.unm.edu./ 


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