The Rotary Club of ABQ wants to give your 501(c)3 @$15,000! Here's how

Making a Difference…

The Rotary Club of Albuquerque (RCA) and its foundation, Albuquerque Rotary Charitable Foundation (ARFC) are accepting proposals from qualified 501(c)3 organizations for funding of programs that benefit the Greater Albuquerque community. Funding is linked to our club’s major annual fundraiser that will take place in August of 2012. (Yes that is correct! We like to involve the organization for a year in preparation.) Funding in the $12,000-$18,000 range can be expected. Program proposals or organizational infrastructure proposals will both be considered.

Deadline for submission: April 22, 2011. RFP proposals will be accepted only via email.

Go to the club's website - - for the RFP and more information about our club and our foundation!

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