Putting Shared Leadership Into Practice

Are you an executive director feeling overwhelmed by everything on your plate? Or program staff wanting to elevate your leadership?

The Nonprofit Quarterly article "Doing More with More: Putting Shared Leadership Into Practice" is a good place to start if your organization is interested in learning how to shift structures and processes to create leadership development across all staff. 

Learn the organizational characteristics that are instrumental in making shared leadership work, and read about how different nonprofits made organizational shifts through a "Leadership Learning Community" initiative organized by the TCC Group.

"At the end of the initiative, participants reported having saved time through improved problem solving, especially by generating alternatives that would not have been thought of by the executive director alone. Some also gained organizational efficiencies, as work responsibilities shifted and staff morale and satisfaction improved. Moreover, developing shared leadership often went hand in hand with a focus on “continuous improvement”—the drive to be more efficient and effective."

Has your NM nonprofit explored shared leadership? We'd love to hear about your experiences!

Click here to read the full article


Michael Allison, Susan Misra, and Elissa Perry | Nonprofit Quarterly | April 21, 2016

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