One Week Left to Apply to the Talent Academy

One Week Left to Apply to the Talent Academy!

The Academy is a six month professional fellowship to develop skills for securing major grants. Don’t miss your opportunity to up your grant seeking game through intensive and targeted professional development, hands-on grant development, and networking opportunities with funders and nonprofit leaders.

The first cohort of the Talent Academy, which ran from October 2016-March 2017, represented six local organizations. These six fellows submitted 70 grant applications during the program. Of those, 32 notifications have been received: 22 were awarded and 10 were declined, resulting in a success rate of 69% for the fellows as a group. (Nationally, the generally accepted average success rate is about 30%.) The total funding from these awards is approximately $488,800. Let's bring more investment back to New Mexico! 

The application is available online and the deadline is August 1, 2017 at 5pm. For more information, contact Robert at [email protected]

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