Nominate a New Mexico Community Champion!

Many nonprofits have one 

You know that outstanding volunteer that takes the extra step. They turn the lights out at the end of the day. They serve one more person. They lift one more box. They always have that smile. Who is this person for your organization?

Recognition goes a long way

Please nominate an outstanding volunteer (or many!) for a $1,000 mini-grant, awarded in their honor, to the 501c3 nonprofit of their choice. The grant will be awarded on the winner's behalf, with funds provided by Molina Healthcare. If they are chosen, they will be invited to a wonderful dinner where they will be honored, where folks from the community, dignitaries, and senior leadership from Molina Healthcare will celebrate their hard work!

Remember, your volunteer nominee must go above and beyond what they do at work or within their normal volunteer service.

The most important field on the nomiation form is the "Nominee Profile", please write a compelling description of your volunteer, tell us everything they do for your organization or out in the community!

Click here for information about Molina’s Community Champions program, how to nominate, and the link to the nomination form. 
Deadline for nominations is June 30th at 5:00pm MST.


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