Grant Opportunity: “Seeds of Native Health”, deadline Jul 20

Native Strong: Healthy Kids, Healthy Futures

The Notah Begay III (NB3) Foundation’s national program is pleased to announce its 2015 “Seeds of Native Health” Promising Program request for proposals. 
Thanks to generous support from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community (SMSC) and their recently launched national campaign, “Seeds of Native Health”, the NB3 Foundation will provide needed investment to tribes and native organizations working to improve nutrition and access to healthy foods for their children and communities.

The purpose of the 2015 Seeds of Native Health Promising Program Grant is to:

  1. Strengthen existing programs focused on childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes prevention through healthy nutrition and access to healthy foods;
  2. Assist communities and organizations in building their capacity to evaluate their programming and;
  3. Assist communities and organizations in building their capacity to implement policy change
RFP Deadline: July 20, 2015, 5:00 pm MDT


A Promising Program Grant informational webinar will be held on June 24, 2015, 11:00 am MDT.
The webinar is optional but applicants are strongly encouraged to attend.
Webinar registration deadline: June 22, 2015
Contact Michelle Gutierrez, Program Officer:
505-867-0775 or [email protected]

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