Feed More #ABQ Kids with a Match Through June 17!

CenturyLink partners with The Storehouse 

Backpack Buddies Food Drive is a CenturyLink's national initiative to feed hungry kids in our communities. There are over 66,000 children in the Albuquerque metro area who are eligible for breakfast and lunch programs at school. Less than 20% of these children will access summer meal programs. The Storehouse is bridging the summer gap by helping feed children in our community.

For over 40 years, The Storehouse has been a community resource since 1976, helping New Mexicans solve their food insecurities regardless of race, faith, age, gender or disability.

CenturyLink will match donations up to $1,000,000 nationwide until June 17th.

Your donation will make meals possible for the most vulnerable children in Albuquerque. Help us feed these families to build healthy minds and bright futures for children in our community. 

4 Easy Steps to Donate

  1. Visit www.centurylink.com/fooddrive
  2. Set the amount you want to donate
  3. Select: Storehouse New Mexico
  4. Confirm Payment by credit card or PayPal

Don't wait. We want you to have the opportunity to multiply your positive impact. If there was ever a time to help kids in our community, it's now.

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