Family Promise Releases Mid-Year Report

Programmatic Outcomes Exceed Expectations.

Starting the year, Family Promise set a goal of serving 21 families in the shelter program where they are given the stability to save money, find employment, enroll in school, and build the skills they need to get into their own home and become independent.

Shelter Program Success

Currently, 15 families have been served though the Interfaith Hospitality Network, reaching 71% of the annual goal.

The 15 families were composed of 46 individuals including 24 children who participated in the programs at the day center, including job search assistance, life skills classes, access to our laundry and shower facilities, and one-on-one case management.

Day Center Success

An average of 44 individuals are currently attending classes at the Family Promise day center. Last year we offered 92 classes including budgeting, parenting, goal setting, and the ICAN cooking class series with guest presenter Kim Tackett though the NMSU Cooperative Extension program.

Thank you!

All of these programs and classes are made possible by volunteers all over the Albuquerque area. Last year, volunteers contributed over 20,000 hours of their time to helping local families by staying overnight in the shelter, providing transportation, helping with job applications, teaching skills classes, and preparing meals.

Read the entire report.

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