Family Advocacy Center Turns 10!


Supporting Victims of Interpersonal Violence.

Thousands of people are helped each year at the Family Advocacy Center (FAC). This year, the FAC and United Way of Central New Mexico will celebrate 10 years of service of this important community asset, which provides a single location for multiple services for victims of interpersonal violence. A press conference will be held on October 26 to celebrate the partnership between the City of Albuquerque, APD and the United Way of Central New Mexico Cornerstone companies that developed the FAC.

The unique design of the facility dramatically reduces the stress and trauma often placed on victims and their families by giving them access to a wide range of services all at one location. Services are free and confidential and include medical care, advocacy, legal and financial assistance, as well as law enforcement and prosecution.

For more information on the upcoming press conference, please contact United Way's Chief Communications Officer, Jeanette Brahl.   

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