Do You Have a Strategy to Succeed in the "New Normal?"

As a non-profit Board member and a Publisher I am writing to present an idea to help non-profits successfully navigate in a time where government and grant funding is being cut and donations are becoming more difficult to come by. In the current environment it is more important than ever for non-profits to have a sound strategy to succeed.

To achieve that result we are launching a campaign to start conversations among board members, executive directors and staff at non-profits nationwide on Do You Have a Strategy to Succeed in the "New Normal?"

Our proposal is to ask you to join us in this nationwide campaign by dedicating time at an upcoming staff or board meeting to have a discussion on this important question. We are suggesting organizations target some time between March and May.

To assist in this process we are contributing free electronic copies for download of the chapter Big Decisions--Strategic Plans, a 360-Degree View, Mergers, and Closing Down from the book The Best of the Board Café (for this use only). This book has been praised as one of the best resources for non-profits looking to overcoming the challenges that executive directors and board members are facing.

This chapter covers questions such as:
• When should an organization consider strategic planning?
• When would not be a good time to undertake a strategic planning process?
• Is it necessary to use an outside consultant?
• What does a typical strategic planning process look like?
• What is the Board's role in strategic planning?

The PDF is available for download at:

In addition, now through February 15, 2011, we are also providing a special discount of 50% on the book for those who would like to distribute copies to staff or board members as complementary reading or as a discussion starter. Use code Best50 on the website or call Teresa at (615) 255-2665.

Thank you for considering joining us in this effort.

Todd Bottorff
President & Publisher
ph:  (615) 255-2665

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