Deepening Community: New Resource by Paul Born of Tamarack

Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Chaotic Times

Deepening Community: Finding Joy Together in Chaotic Times is a new book by Paul Born.  "In this thoughtful and moving book, Paul Born describes the four pillars of deep community: sharing our stories, taking the time to enjoy one another, taking care of one another, and working together for a better world. To show the role each of these plays, he shares his own stories - as a child of refugees and as a longtime community activist. It's up to us to create community. Born shows that the opportunity is right in front of us if we have the courage and conviction to pursue it."

Paul Born is one of the founders of Tamarack, an organization that develops and supports learning communities that help people to collaborate, co-generate knowledge and achieve collective impact on complex community issues. Our vision is to build a connected force for community change. Tamarack is a Canadian organization that has work with communities around the world.

Paul's earlier book, Community Conversations "is packed with creative techniques and informative examples of collaboration from communities across Canada and beyond. The book's first section contains four chapters that each maps a key point in the community mobilization journey: converse, engage, collaborate and casting a vision. The book's second section profiles ten different methods for hosting community conversations that can be used to chart your own community mobilization strategy and includes examples illustrating the use of each method."

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