Building Movement Project Peña for the Common Good

Join Us: Thursday June 12, Peña for the Common Good

Building Movement Project, along with our partners, will hold our second "peña" on June 12th, from 1pm to 4pm, at the South Valley Academy, Following the peña, we will have a social hour to continue learning about each other's work and building relationships between organizers, direct service providers and advocates.

When we met last month at Healthcare for the Homeless Jenny Metzler -- along with her team of staff and board members, some of whom had experienced homelessness -- shared how their "values-based" approach guides their work and decision-making. Read our blog post about the first peña here:

This time, we look forward to learning about SVA's model of providing a quality education to students while fostering their commitment to community service and social change.

At this month's peña, we will also continue and extend the conversation we had in May about how the diverse work and activities of the organizations gathered contributes to (and defines) the common good. We plan to build on the "common good writing exercise" we did last month to develop common good vision and values that we can apply to the various work and issues we're all doing.

Join us for conversation and culture at our second Peña for the Common Good.

Thursday, June 12, 2014
1pm - 4pm, with a social hour afterwards
South Valley Academy, 3426 Blake Road SW

To RSVP, contact Alicia Lueras Maldonado at [email protected]

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