Behavioral Health Talk, June 23

Bernalillo County, City of Albuquerque, United Way of Central New Mexico, Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce, and the UNM Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences present
Sign up to attend here. Seating is limited. 

Questions? Call 505-468-7108 or email [email protected]

ABehavioral Health: The Benefits of Early Intervention and the Costs of Inactionndrew Romanoff, President & CEO, of Mental Health Colorado, the state’s leading advocate for the prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders, will discuss the benefits of early intervention and the cost of inaction.

Mental Health Colorado works with lawmakers, state and local agencies, and mental health providers – among other stakeholders – to remove barriers to care. Through their leadership in policy development and advocacy, and in collaboration with the Colorado Behavioral Health Partnership, Mental Health Colorado has helped secure the passage of landmark legislation requiring mental health parity, the development of a statewide crisis response system, and the formation of a 24/7 counseling and support service.

Romanoff served in the Colorado House of Representatives from 2001 to 2009 where he sponsored laws to expand access to screening and services for mental health and substance use disorders, and served as speaker of the House from 2005 to 2009.  He won bipartisan acclaim as one of the most effective legislative leaders in America.  His leadership earned recognition from more than 50 state and national organizations – including Governing Magazine, which named him in 2008 as “Public Official of the Year.

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