2015 Mayor & First Lady's Charity Gala RFP Open

Nonprofits Can Now Apply to be Charity Gala Beneficiaries 
Every year the Mayor & First Lady’s Charity Gala raises funds to support local nonprofits- the selection process for the 2015 Gala is now open to applicants
Albuquerque- Plans for the 2015 Charity Gala, scheduled for April 25, 2015, are already coming together. This will be the sixth Charity Gala hosted by Albuquerque Mayor Richard J. Berry and First Lady Maria Berry. As the excitement for the annual event picks up momentum, local nonprofits now have the opportunity to apply to receive funding support generated by the Gala by submitting a Request for Proposal [RFP] application. The designated focus area is on nonprofit organizations with a mission that includes Student Success (any grade K-12) and Economic Opportunity through Entrepreneurship.
“Through the generosity of our corporate sponsors and hundreds of folks in Albuquerque, last year's Gala made it possible for us to donate over $229,000 back to our community,” said Mayor Berry. “We are confident that the 2015 Gala will be another huge success and we will be able to provide much-needed funding to worthwhile organizations.”
First Lady Maria Berry echoed that sentiment, “we sincerely appreciate all that our nonprofits and their dedicated volunteers are doing for the City of Albuquerque. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you as we all strive to improve the circumstances and opportunities for many in our community.”
The RFP application, located online at http://www.cabq.gov/mayor/charity-gala, will be open until Friday, December 5th. 
CONTACT: Marc Chavez 768-3013
October 24, 2014

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