How to Raise $50,000 in Six Weeks


Do you think you are capable of raising fifty thousand dollars in six weeks? It is possible, and you are capable. The key is having a solid strategy in place and human resources available. We are excited to have Kim Klein, national fundraising expert, with us for this fast-paced workshop.


Kim will shed light on one of the most important strategies in fundraising today: bringing volunteers together for a short, specific, intensive campaign and then letting them go for the rest of the year.

In this session, Kim will provide a ten step process that will enable you to raise large amounts of money in a short period of time. She will include how to identify prospects, how to train your fundraising team, and what preparation is needed before starting such a campaign.   

Learning Objectives

  • Participants will see specific ways to implement their knowledge that mobilizing volunteers is key to successful fundraising

  • Participants will be given a replicable yet flexible template for raising significant amounts of money in a short time frame

  • Participants will learn how to adapt this strategy, and by extension, other fundraising strategies to their setting and their issue




This training will be helpful to nonprofits in rural communities; those working with immigrants and low-income populations; and those working on social justice issues. Organizations are encouraged to send two or more people, with at least one being a board member or volunteer.   

This workshop will not be as useful to organizations that are just starting out or those with no experience working with individual donors.  


Kim Klein is an internationally known trainer, speaker and author, well known for her ability to deliver information in a practical, down-to-earth and humorous way.  She has a wide range of nonprofit experience, having worked as staff and as a volunteer and a board member. Kim is the author of five books, including Reliable Fundraising in Unreliable Times, which won the McAdam Book Award.  Her classic text, Fundraising for Social Change, shortly to be released in a seventh edition.

This event will be preceded by two free sesions, one with Building Movement Project and another with Kim Klein, separate registration is necessary for each:

Working Towards The Common Good: 2015 NM Nonprofit Survey Report
Civic Engagement and The Common Good - Vote With Your Mission

April 14th, 2016 from  1:30 PM to  4:30 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, 87106
Phone: (505) 401-7444

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