Revitalizing Your Organization's Purpose: Staying Relevant

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Is your nonprofit organization struggling to define a successful fund-development strategy and capture the imagination of donors and funders?  Are you having a difficult time recruiting or retaining great Board members?  When was the last time you reviewed your purpose to ensure that the passion that was the source of your organizations’ beginning is still alive and well?

Great nonprofits are organizations that keep a laser focus on their purpose; they keep that founding passion alive.  No matter how long that organization has existed, the great ones maintain that life force, that passion.  While being true to their roots, they are responsive to the changing needs of their constituents as communities evolve.

You will leave this workshop with an action plan that will reinvigorate the passion in your organization's purpose.  You will learn how to leverage your mission for board recruitment, enhanced staff performance, and to broaden your fund development strategy.

Learning Objectives

  • Review your organization's purpose
  • Discover how to assess the strength of the passion for your mission in your board, staff and the community
  • Develop an Action Plan to reinvigorate the passion in your organization's purpose and mission statement




Nonprofit Executive Directors and CEOs who want to explore how to reinvigorate their organizational culture.  This workshop is designed for nonprofits that have been active in New Mexico for a minimum of five years.


John Ross, John Ross Company, has served the nonprofit, for profit and government sectors for 40 years, working for children, their families, the elderly and the community. In the nonprofit sector he has seen the industry from many angles:  he has worked with United Way, served in a wide range of agency leadership positions, chaired and/or participated in numerous community collaborations, successfully developed and implemented public policy agendas and has provided consulting services to over 60 nonprofit and for profit organizations.  As John puts it:  "I’ve started nonprofits; I’ve closed nonprofits; and, I’ve reorganized nonprofits.  There aren’t too many nonprofit scenarios I haven’t seen and dealt with."

March 19th, 2015 from  9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, 87106
Phone: (505) 401-7444
Registration $25.00

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