Effectively Managing Investments for Nonprofits 6-2009

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It doesn’t matter how small or large your nonprofit is, when you have a fiduciary responsibility you need to keep up with best practices. Properly stewarding donor contributions and avoiding financial conflicts of interest are critical. Strengthen your ability to communicate investment returns and shepherd donor concerns. Learn how to write and implement an investment policy statement. Increase your knowledge of reducing risk and volatility through diversification; determine the most appropriate asset allocation for your organization. Understand and implement an SRI plan (Socially Responsible Investing). Get helpful hints on selecting investment managers and developing a spending policy.

In early 2009 the New Mexico Legislature passed a new UPMIFA (Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act); learn how the new laws impact spending policies.
Share and learn about challenges your colleagues are facing during a difficult market environment. Bring your questions! Learn about investment professionals; determine when and how to utilize the expertise of a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

Who should attend? Nonprofits on the verge of investing assets and those with investments. Executive Directors, Board Chairs and Chairs Elects, Chairs and Members of Finance, Audit, and Investment Committees, Board members, Chief Financial Officers, Planned Giving Directors.

Topics and Presenters include:

Investment Policy Statement-Jane Farris, CFA, Manager, Pension Fund Investments, Sandia National Laboratories

Socially Responsible Investing-Lloyd Kurtz, CFA, Senior Investment Manager, Nelson Capital Management

What is a Chartered Financial Analyst? How and when do you utilize their expertise-Laura Hall, REDW

Current Financial Market Update and Outlook, Thornburg Investments

Coping with Market Loss: Communicating with Donors-Panel including Thornburg Investments, Paula B. Blancher CFA

FAQ From You-bring your challenges, seek feedback

The Importance of Asset Allocation-Joni Pierce, CFA, Senior Vice President, Regional Investment Manager, Wells Fargo

Fiduciary Duty--Recent Changes in New Mexico Law; Understanding UPMIFA and its impact on spending policy-Sandra Liggett, Vice President, General Counsel, UNM Foundation

June 23rd, 2009 from  9:00 AM to  4:00 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo Ave SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, NM 87106-87106
United States
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Event Fee(s)
Registration $50.00

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