Preparing for Effective Collaboration 4-2009

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According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, March 12 edition, a recent study states that "One in Five Charities Consider Mergers to Help Survive Hard Economic Times." Is this an option for your nonprofit? Have you considered deeper collaborations in programs and services, financial management, human resource management? What are the obstacles to be overcome?


The facilitators will present a brief overview of the following topics and then we will break out into small groups for facilitated discussions.
- Collaboration Options: General, Virtual Merger, and Merger
- Board & ED leadership: Strengthening your Board. One voice: Board & ED.
- Programs & Outcomes: Are your programs working? Generating collaborative outcomes.
- Financial: Know where you stand. What do you have to offer.
- Staff: Different organization cultures. Managing turf issues.


The discussion will be led by Jean Block and Randy Gleason of Social Enterprise Ventures, John Ross of John Ross Company, Mary Cooley of HR Solutions and Ollie Waters, CPA. Break out groups will begin to dialogue and share ways to collaborate more deeply in human resources, financials, management, training and more.


April 27th, 2009 from  1:30 PM to  4:30 PM
Center for Nonprofit Excellence, United Way of Central New Mexico
2340 Alamo Ave SE, 2nd Floor
Albuquerque, NM 87106-87106
United States
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