State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

Mailing Address: 2550 CERRILLOS RD, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Additional Address:
County of Location: Bernalillo, Catron, Chaves, Cibola, Colfax, Curry, De Baca, Dona Ana, Eddy, Grant, Guadalupe, Harding, Hidalgo, Lea, Lincoln, Los Alamos, Luna, McKinley, Mora, Otero, Quay, Rio Arriba, Roosevelt, Sandoval, San Juan, San Miguel, Sierra, Santa Fe, Socorro, Taos, Torrance, Union, Valencia
Phone: (866) 451-2901
Email: [email protected]
NTEE Code: E- Health Care, P- Human Services, R- Civil Rights, Social Action, Advocacy, W- Public, Society Benefit
Mission Statement:
Provide a voice for individuals living in long-term care facilities who might otherwise go unheard.
Primary Programs:
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program provides resident-directed advocacy alongside and on behalf of individuals living in assisted living and nursing facilities. The New Mexico Long-Ombudsmen, including volunteers advocate the recognition, respect, and enforcement of the civil and human rights of residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, often providing a voice for individuals living in long-term care (LTC) facilities who might otherwise go unheard.
Populations Served: All Populations, Disabled, Elderly, Low Income, Rural, Urban, Veterans
Counties Served: Statewide
Year Founded:
Accepts inquiries: Accepts inquiries about volunteering, Accepts inquiries about service learning, Accepts inquiries about internships
Nonprofit Status: Has 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS, Is registered as a Nonprofit Corporation with the State of New Mexico
Types of Services Offered: Advocacy, Direct Services, Community Organizing