Your Nonprofit Needs a Volunteer Handbook

Your Mission Depends on Volunteers.

Volunteers are a valuable asset for any non-profit. Without them, non-profits would be unable to achieve their mission. In 2013, the IRS released a report stating that 85% of nonprofit organizations are run by volunteers and have no paid staff.  Volunteers are responsible for organizing events, raising funds, and fulfilling the mission.

Volunteers differ from paid employees. However, managing volunteers requires a similar skill set. Employee handbooks are common in both small and large businesses. Nonprofits need to implement a similar handbook for volunteers. Here are the two main benefits of a volunteer handbook:

  1. Sets Expectations. A handbook is a tool that defines what is expected of the volunteer during their time with the non-profit of their choice. It also identifies what the volunteer should expect from the organization in return for their donated time.
  2. Protects the Organization. Creating and identifying clear policies and procedures for your volunteer team minimizes liability. The handbook provides guidelines and rules for how negative circumstances will be handled and offers a no-surprise resolution for both parties.

Want to learn more about what information to include in your handbook to maximize the effectiveness of your volunteer program? Join Susan Simons of Simons Consulting Services at the Center for Nonprofit Excellence on April 24, 2018 for, Why Your Nonprofit Needs a Volunteer Handbook. Get the tools you need to create your own volunteer handbook as well as templates and examples of successful publications.

Simons Consulting Services and Susan Simons has been helping non-profit agencies for over 20 years. They work together to meet the challenges of fundraising, volunteer management, grant writing and events. 

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