The New Now: Working Together for Social Change

Ohio and New Mexico nonprofits are building power

The astounding success of the marriage equality campaign has left LGBT groups reeling. But LGBT movement leaders know that the discrimination LGBT people face - embedded in cultural norms, policies, and laws - is still a part of the fabric of our everyday lives. 

This report looks at how organizations in Ohio and New Mexico are building power by integrating an intersectional framework, and a broader set of concerns into their work on LGBT issues.

This type of activism is important for several reasons:

  1. An intersectional approach reflects the lives of people who are often made invisible in single-issue campaigns and stresses the importance of listening to their experiences in order to inform the strategies and tactics of the broader movement.
  2. Centering an analysis in the lived experience of people who are the target of multiple systems of marginalization helps to avoid the “unintended consequences” of pitting those with the least power against one another.
  3. By broadening the base and leadership of the movement to bring in communities of color and addressing a more diverse set of issues, the intersectional approach is forward thinking and anticipates where the country is heading demographically.

The report concludes with recommendations for funders and thoughts about investing to encourage and implement an intersectional approach in social activism.

For a brief overview of the report click here to download the New Now executive summary.

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