Is Microvolunteering Right for Your Nonprofit?

Many hands make light work! It's time to do away with the assumption that microvolunteerism lowers nonprofit productivity. No matter what type of organization you run, utilizing microvolunteering as part of your volunteer program can help you reach your goals faster, create momentum for progress, and increase the size of your volunteer base.

A common struggle nonprofits face, aside from fundraising, is recruiting and retaining volunteers. It can be hard to find enough volunteers to man your programs, much less retain them for ongoing needs. But with 25 percent of American volunteers lacking enough free time to volunteer, it’s easy to see why those roles are so hard to fill.

The answer? It might just be microvolunteering. Instead of asking people to give up large chunks of time to volunteer for ongoing needs or extensive projects, creating bite-sized opportunities instead can attract busy people who still want to make an impact. The result is a living volunteer body that ebbs and flows but is always producing results for the larger organization.

Read more about how microvolunteering can help your nonprofit.

Written by Latasha Doyle | GuideStar

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