Measuring Return on Investment (ROI) of Nonprofit Programs and Initiatives

Globalization, advances in technology, decreased funding opportunities, and the competition for market share are all putting pressure on nonprofits to respond to challenges more quickly, creatively, and less expensively than in the past.
Program Managers are being asked to justify how money is spent, and to demonstrate that their programs are producing viable outcomes that have measurable value to organizations. Nonprofit organization members are realizing that there is a need to understand the effectiveness of their programs, and to make decisions based on data, rather than on instinct or intuition. They are looking for ideas and methods to help them to make formative changes in their programs, as well as systems, policies and practices that support success. Measuring ROI is one way to do this.
The ROI Methodology™ is being used by hundreds of nonprofit organizations to show the impact of the various projects and programs they undertake. ROI Methodology™ can satisfy the needs of investors, nonprofit administrators, supporters and others involved in nonprofits by ensuring that these organizations are adding value to the community and the country.  
Specifically, it is important for nonprofits to:
1) make their agency more efficient in terms of their operational areas and internal focus, and
2) ensure their external programs are delivering appropriate impact in the various communities they are serving.  
The ROI Methodology™ can foster these types of evaluation efforts.  
Jack Phillips of the ROI Institute will be conducting “ROI Bottomline Basics” on January 22nd at CNPE.
For more information on this event hosted by Entereza, Inc. and the New Mexico Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ASTDNM) see

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