Anonymous Reviews of Foundations

Anonymous Reviews of Foundations. is a new website that allows for anonymous reviews of foundations, a critical missing piece in the funder-grantee dynamics.
Power differentials often prevent nonprofits from giving honest feedback to foundations. And foundations often remark that they can never tell if nonprofits are being open and transparent about what they could be doing better. Even when foundations solicit feedback and reassure grantees that they can be truthful, it can be difficult for nonprofits to open up.

How It Works

Anyone can provide a review, and when a foundation has five reviews, its profile will go live so everyone can see all the reviews. It’s anonymous, so you can be honest. It’ll help foundations to get feedback and advice that they might not be able to get otherwise. And it’ll help nonprofits not waste time with foundations that have consistently horrible reviews.
Summarized from an article written by Vu Le for GuideStar Blog on September 22, 2017.
Read the entire article here.

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