The Onota Foundation

Program Funding Area: 
Health Care
Food, Agriculture, Nutrition
Geographic Funding Focus: 
Populations Served: 
All Populations
Does the grantmaker accept LOI or proposals?: 
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About Us: 

Mission/Giving Statement: The Onota Foundation believes that the most pressing need for humanity today is to rediscover its place in nature and to live in balance with its natural surroundings.

We value our Earth as sacred and are devoted to its conservation and restoration, to the guidance of our children in the ways of respecting and caring for her and to creating a way of life that is ecologically sustainable.

Grantmaking Program Areas: Natural Environment; Sustainable Agriculture; Preventive Medicine; Education

Grantmaking Program Area Descriptions:

Natural Environment: Programs to conserve or restore marshlands, open meadows, forests, natural water sources and biodiversity of plants and animals in their native habitat.

Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming and preservation of heritage plants and animal breeds.

Preventive Medicine: A holistic approach to health care integrating western medicine with other forms of healing from around the world.

Education: Programs to foster 1) creativity and open-mindedness through the arts, 2) respect for the interrelatedness and interdependence of all beings on Earth, 3) individual and collective responsibility for leaving the world a better place for future generations.

Types of Funding/Funding Restrictions: The Foundation prefers to make grants for specific projects and not for general use or operations. See website for additional restrictions.

Application Instructions: The Foundation does not accept unsolicited grant proposals.

Notes: The Foundation is more interested in the small, the entrepreneurial, the experimental and the educational project. It seeks grants where its dollars will make the most difference.

Verified by Grantmaker: 
Contact Information
Best Method of Contact: 
Street Address: 
PO Box 31038
Santa Fe
New Mexico
ZIP Code: 
Email Address: 
(505) 982-2377
Primary Contact Email: 
More Info
Last Updated Date: 
Tuesday, March 11, 2014 - 2:20pm
This directory is made possible thanks to support from our sponsors

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