Sunshine Ambassadors
Dance locations vary. Please see website for current locations. The number of locations can increase over time. The mailing address is for communication only.
The mission of Sunshine Ambassadors is to enrich the lives of children and adults with disabilities through dance. We do this through weekly classes in various locations and numerous public performances at community events. Our dancers learn choreographed routines to a variety of musical numbers. The choreography is created with the needs of the dancers in mind, using therapy techniques to further their progress. We emphasize progression of the dancer, rather than perfection. We have designed the program to be replicable in multiple locations. All classes practice the same dances and can come together at performances to make a larger group. This can bring a needed service to outlying areas, while providing greater opportunities for adapting to different environments for our dancers.
1. Dance classes, as stated in the mission statements.
2. Performance opportunities for the dancer participants.
Lurley Noe, NM Director